Jour de neige

Le mot du jour : “Jour de neige”
As we have enjoyed a lovely day of snow (“jour de neige”) yesterday, I thought I would make today a little list of words related to the snow 🙂

The first one to know is obviously “la neige” (the snow).

The snow itself is made of snowflakes that we call “des flocons”

“La neige” is feminine, but “les flocons” are masculine… French language 🙃

Last but not least, the snowman is called “un bonhomme de neige” and not “un homme de neige”. So why “bon-homme” (good-man) instead of “homme” (man)?

Well, maybe because “bonhomme” carries a sense of gentleness that goes well with the round snowy character. I guess to translate the idea in English, it would be more a “snow-chap” or “snow-fellow” than a snowman. I have to admit I have a special fondness for the French word for snowman, as I find it softer 😊

bonhomme de neige — Wiktionnaire

Être bien/mal lunĂ©-e

Le mot du jour : “Être bien/mal lunĂ©-e
Let’s stay with the moon this week with this expression : “ĂȘtre bien lunĂ©-e” (to be in a good mood) or “ĂȘtre mal lunĂ©-e” (to be in a bad mood)

This is an old expression, going back to the times where people thought that the moon had a real influence not only on natural elements like the tide and the crops, but also on the life of people.

So in the 18th century, “ĂȘtre bien lunĂ©” meant to be in a period of luck (or bad luck if you were “mal lunĂ©”).

We still use that expression today, but more in the sense of being in a good or bad mood.

If you feel irritated for example, you can consider yourself “mal lunĂ©-e”, but if you wake up feeling cheerful, good for you! You are then officially “bien lunĂ©-e” 😀

La Lune, une amie qui vous veut du bien? - L'Express Styles

Être dans la lune

Le mot du jour : “ĂȘtre dans la lune”

“Être dans la lune” (to be on the moon) means “to have your head in the clouds”, to be a daydreamer.

Each time you are distracted, when your mind leaves that Zoom’s meeting and go somewhere nicer, you are “dans la lune”.

The moon has long been a symbol of dreams among the poets, so that expression makes complete sense.

It is no surprise either that the opposite of being “dans la lune” is “avoir les pieds sur terre” (to have your feet on the ground) 😀
So if someone notices that you have not been listening, just say : “DĂ©solĂ©(e), j’Ă©tais dans la lune !” (Sorry, I was on the moon!)

Such a far away journey should impress them 😉

La lune - Osyss' Or

La carte de voeux

Le mot du jour : “la carte de vƓux”
Traditions around Christmas in France are slightly different from the British ones, and one of the things we don’t do in France is the Christmas card.

Instead, from the first of January we send “des cartes de voeux” (good wishes cards) where we write all the good things we wish to our friends and family for the new year. You would usually hope for the recipient to have lots of happiness, success at work and most of all “une bonne santĂ©” (a good health), which is taking a new meaning this year.

When I was a child, my grand-parents would put a banknote in the card, for my “Ă©trennes” (New Year’s gift).

It is completely acceptable to send your wishes all over the month of January, but by February it’s too late.

Of course nowadays, the traditional cards tend to disappear in favour of text messages or virtual cards sent by e-mail.

Bonne annĂ©e et bonne santĂ© Ă  tous, que 2021 vous apporte tout le bonheur possible 😊

(Happy New year and Good Health to you all, may the year 2021 bring you all the happiness possible)

Cartes virtuelles modele de voeux - Joliecarte

Le réveillon

Le mot du jour : Le RĂ©veillon
Today, we are between two “RĂ©veillons” : the Christmas one and the New Year’s Eve one.

So what is a “rĂ©veillon”?

Le rĂ©veillon is the evening before Christmas and before New Year’s day. The word comes from “rĂ©veil” (waking) because you have to stay awake very late.

We also have a verb to go with it, “rĂ©veillonner”, which can be use only for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. You can party as much as you want any other day of the year, it still won’t be a “rĂ©veillon” 😃

So what do we do for the “RĂ©veillon”? Well the Christmas one is about food and Midnight Mass, and the Saint Sylvestre one (St Sylvestre being the saint of 31st December) is about food and partying.

This year obviously is very different and there won’t be real “rĂ©veillons” with big groups of people partying together.

I wish you nonetheless a very nice “rĂ©veillon de la St Sylvestre”.I hope 2021 will bring you lots of joy.

Bonne année à tous !

Cartes virtuelles voeux de nouvel an - Joliecarte

La bûche de Noël

Le mot du jour : “La bĂ»che de NoĂ«l”
Quite depressing news again today, so let’s talk about a cheerful subject : la bĂ»che de NoĂ«l or Yule Log.
La bûche de Noël is the traditional Christmas dessert in France, and I think in a lot of French speaking countries. The tradition since the pagan times had been to burn a huge log in Winter, to please the gods and get a good harvest.
In the South of France, it was usually a part of a tree giving fruits (cherry tree or olive tree for example) and in the North it was traditionally an oak (the acorns were part of the everyday food).
Today it’s a cake, in the shape of a log, and can have many different flavours. It is often the highlight of the Christmas meal.
Bon appétit et Joyeux Noël à tous ! Merry Christmas !

origine de la bûche de noel - Blog de paixamour80

Le moulin Ă  paroles

Le mot du jour : “Un moulin Ă  paroles”
I was on the phone the other day with a lovely lady trying to sell me water filters, and she kept talking and talking in a steady flow of words, and I thought to myself : “Quel moulin Ă  paroles !

“Un “Moulin Ă  paroles” (“A word mill”) is a chatter box basically, someone who can speak a lot and for a long time.

I really love that expression, it always reminds me of watermills with the river running endlessly through the wheel 🙂

water mill - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

Le vasistas

Le mot du jour : “Le vasistas”
Today, I am going to show you how, in France, we can be very good at misusing other people’s languages.
Here is the story :
In Germany in the 18th century, houses used to have a small window above the door, and when you knocked, they would ask you through that window “Was ist das ?”, meaning “What is it?”
French people going to Germany gave the name “vasistas” to that little window and it stayed that way.
We still use it today to describe a little window, most of the time without realising its German origin and meaning 😊

Vasistas — WikipĂ©dia

SĂ©cher les cours

Le mot du jour : “sĂ©cher les cours”

“SĂ©cher les cours” translates by ” to dry the lessons” and means to skip school without a good reason. It is (relatively) modern slang and is still in use amongst young people today, although I am sure they created plenty of new words to express their desire to not be in school!

I was reminded of that expression this morning, looking out of the window at the misty, cold day and thinking : “Je sĂšcherais bien les cours, aujourd’hui” (“I would like to skip school today!”)

Stay warm, everybody 🙂

sécher - French expression - French Etc

Sauter du coq Ă  l’Ăąne

Le mot du jour : “Sauter du coq Ă  l’Ăąne”
Well, no food today, but farm animals 🙂

“Sauter du coq Ă  l’Ăąne” means “to jump from rooster to donkey” and is used when someone makes a jump in the conversation, going from one subject to another abruptly.

Ex : “On parlait du temps quand il a sautĂ© du coq Ă  l’Ăąne et s’est mis Ă  parler de foot.” (We were talking about the weather when he changed the subject and started talking about football).

Here is the story behind it : up to the 14th century, “asne”(duck) and “Ăąne” (donkey) were pronounced in exactly the same way.

So the expression was “sauter du coq Ă  l’asne” (when a rooster got confused and jump on a duck instead of a hen) and described people talking without making sense.The word “asne” for ducks disappeared, and only “Ăąne” (donkey) was left.

So now we have a rooster and a donkey in our story 😀

Elever un Ăąne, comment s'y prendre ? | Anes de provence